• Logics Of Drops, 2016Virtual reality video, 3'58"weather balloon & helium, four sports cameras
The virtual reality installation “Logic Of Drops” follows a sunrise with the high-altitude flight of a helium balloon, equipped with four sports cameras: slowly rising with the sun, from its point of departure into the stratosphere. The earth becomes smaller and smaller until the balloon bursts at a 32 km altitude so that a rapid crash back to earth is initiated. With VR glasses you can take off with the images, even though you are standing on the ground with both feet. The central aspect of the work is to enable access to an experience via virtual reality, which would otherwise remain physically unattainable.
There are places in your heads we can travel to.reality body zero pointimage take offstandstillspacefrequence dropEvery flight can be started individually
Generously supported by:
Kulturamt Stadt StuttgartNoris BlattgoldfabrikLOTTELange Nacht der MuseenProfi-rasen.deMeteolabor Reliable Measurement and ProtectionFreunde der Akademie e.V.pad4rentb.Rex MANUFAKTUR FUER DIGITALE REALITAETMinisterium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg