Video still: gold explosion
• LOGICS OF GOLD, 2018Virtual reality video, 5'00" 22 carat gold flakes, sheet metal gold, weather balloon & helium, 360° panorama camera
Gold is as rare throughout the universe as it is on earth. It is created by extremely energetic explosions in star collisions. Planet Earth's accessible reserves of precious metals are the result of a meteorite bombardment.
A two-meter diameter gilded helium balloon, onto which a 360° panoramic camera is attached, rises into the skies. This camera films the entire environment: the world gets smaller and smaller on its way to the edge of space, until it bursts at 35 km altitude. The spectacular moment in which the balloon explodes, spreads its gold particles as well as its fall back to earth are also part of the 360° VR video. The fully immersive virtual reality results visually give a surprisingly overwhelming physical experience of weightlessness.
Exhibition «Transmergence #02», FRAC Alsace, 2021. FR
©Photos : Jean- Louis Hess
Technomancie 2, Marseille, 2019, FR
‘Ateliereinblicke 2018 – Marie Lienhard’EnBW AG Karlsruhe, DE
Logics Of Gold VideostillFine Art Print on aluminium dibondLimited edition: 3 (+ artist copy)
© Foto: EnBW/artis
Generously supported by:
Kulturamt Stadt StuttgartNoris BlattgoldfabrikLOTTELange Nacht der MuseenProfi-rasen.deMeteolabor Reliable Measurement and ProtectionFreunde der Akademie e.V.pad4rentb.Rex MANUFAKTUR FUER DIGITALE REALITAETMinisterium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg