• BLACK SQUARE, 2018Polarisation filter 7 × 7cmSteel hide H/W/D: 170 (H) × 70 (W) × 70 cm (D)Steel container: H/W/D 70 (H) × 200 (W) × 200 cm(D)Black ink
‘By removing reflections from a given slice of reality – a view into a lake, for example, or of the surface of black ink – Marie Lienhard cuts them, so to speak, out of our continuum of perception: without reflections, the view into the water ('Longing') extends unhindered all the way to the bottom of the body of water as a shaft of clarity. In the polarised view without reflections, the ink is entirely reduced to its inexorable blackness’. Dr.Tobias Wall
© Foto: EnBW/artis